Kategoriarkiv: hiphop

D-12: ikke så ringe endda

Lex_L var så flink, at invitere mig til D-12 koncert i lørdags. Jeg frygtede det værste, nemlig uendelig call-n-response, tribute til døde rappere og ingen MC’ing. Men faktisk var Kon Artis, Kuniva og Bizarre overraskende gode live, og de 200 mennesker, der var mødt frem fik en stadion-rap koncert, der varede omkring 35 minutter; lige nøjagtig lang nok tid til ikke at blive kedelig. Her er lidt snapshots… Læs videre D-12: ikke så ringe endda

Kan det maltrakteres?


Jeg var så heldig, at få Peter Plus’ mixtape “Will It Blend?” stukket i hånden ef blendmasteren selv forrige gang jeg var på Kontoret. Mixtapet placerer sig et sted mellem Den Sorte Skole‘s totale klippeklistre-anarki og DJ Reveal‘s mere hiphop-orienterede blends, ved på temmelig fonki facon at splejse acappellaer og instrumentaler sammen. Læs videre Kan det maltrakteres?

My style, your style, our style: WILD STYLE!


This year marks the 25th anniversary of the conclusion of the filming of the movie “Wild Style”. Actually this year is the 26th anniversary, but the writer, director and producer of the movie, Charlie Ahearn, is still traveling the globe celebrating its quarter-century birthday. Last week he came to the glorious freetown Christiania. Læs videre My style, your style, our style: WILD STYLE!

The unholy alliance between Hip-Hop and The White House


Recently Barack Obama was asked which music he had listened to at the moment, and he answered Jay-Z’s new album. Aside the fact that a presidential hopeful spends his time listening to a rapper pay homage to the biggest Harlem drug lord in history, this got me to wonder if we could actually get the first president in history, that actually likes hip-hop. While this remains to be seen, it seems that hip-hop will play an increasingly bigger part in the (Democratic) campaign, so I decided to give you an overview. Læs videre The unholy alliance between Hip-Hop and The White House

Me & Muggs: I met a Simpsons character!!

So, I’m back on the blog like I’s Quincy Jones cirka ’89… Granted I haven’t been great at keeping y’all up to date, and let’s be real, I’ll probably forget to do so again soon. But for now, here’s some cool isht: I met a Simpsons character in real life. You may remember the episode Homerpalooza, where Homer quits his job (again) to become a human cannonball stopper on a Lollapalooza-inspired rock-tour. One of the bands playing the tour is the legendary Cypress Hill and of course their DJ/producer was none other than DJ Muggs, leader of The Soul Assassins. Læs videre Me & Muggs: I met a Simpsons character!!