Kategoriarkiv: foam-finger rating

Anmeldelse: PTA vs “Cheff Records Nu Som Chips”

Det er meget få kendte, der har æren af at pryde vores fødevarer. Somme tider sker det at der sniger sig en Messi på vores Pepsi, men i den faste fødes afdeling kan jeg faktisk kun huske at Sepp Piontek i firserne var at finde på en sandkage med kiwi (triple firser overload).

Nu er drengene fra Cheff Records endt på rørene til Kim’s chips, en nyhed der fik folk til, at skære det besynderlige ansigt, hvor man både løfter øjenbrynet og trækker på smilebåndet. Præcis hvad ideen er, er vel sandt at sige ligeså diffust som det er for de fleste, hvad Cheff Records er. Er det et pladeselskab, en gruppe, et brand, eller bare noget Kidd råber i starten af sange? Læs videre Anmeldelse: PTA vs “Cheff Records Nu Som Chips”

My style, your style, our style: WILD STYLE!


This year marks the 25th anniversary of the conclusion of the filming of the movie “Wild Style”. Actually this year is the 26th anniversary, but the writer, director and producer of the movie, Charlie Ahearn, is still traveling the globe celebrating its quarter-century birthday. Last week he came to the glorious freetown Christiania. Læs videre My style, your style, our style: WILD STYLE!

Holy shit and bollesuppe: My trip to International Showdown


I was recently at my first ever live wrestling event in Denmark. International Showdown rocked Langå, a small town about 15 kms from where I grew up, but a 4 hour trainride from where I live now. The afternoon show was dubbed ‘international’ due to appearence of a German tag-team and the American wrestler Cannonball Grizzly, who used to wrestle under the rapper-gimmick PN News in the 90’s (probably a play on equally overweight Prince Be of PM Dawn). 
Læs videre Holy shit and bollesuppe: My trip to International Showdown

The hiphop, the simpsons & wrestling blog gets a rating system

As I’ve decided to review and/or insult items, events, people and such related to hiphop, the simpsons & wrestling I figured we needed a personalised rating system. While based on Siskel and Ebert’s thumb system, it is personalised by the use of foam fingers.

The foam fingers were bought at two different wrestling events; The Hulkamania foam finger is from the WWF European Rampage in Kiel’s Kieler Ostsee Halle in 1991, and the other at Summer Slam at London’s Wembley Stadium in 1992. They carry the following meaning:

2 foamfingers up: The epitome of greatness. Best thing event. Past, present or future classic.

1 foamfinger up: Pretty cool. Worth spending time on. May have flaws but more than makes up for this in other areas.

No foamfingers: It could go either way. Nothing that would make or break your day.

1 foamfinger down: Definitely not the way to go, and if it does have positive aspects they are overshadowed by the negatives.

2 foamfingers down: How sucky can you get? This sucky!